SELAMAT DATANG Soalan Bahasa Inggeris SPA Set 1

1. Many of them, unlike many new recluses, seem to have _________ to the canonical requirement of enclosure.
2. This restaurant has some of the best chefs in the town._______ their service is excellent
3. There are five aspects that could ______ me to buy the new Apple IPhone 12 Pro
4. This COVID 19 virus ______ a half million souls. We have to get vaccinated to reach herd immunity and protect the young ones.
5. ______ four Parm rinds in leftover store bought chicken stock (about a scant cup) and roughly the same amount of water for about 20 minutes.
6. It is the national agenda to convince the ________ to get vaciinated
7. At the meeting, the president of the association will represent Turkey _____ the Turkish goverment
8. What have you done ________
9. Someone threw a bucket of rat poison over a ______ of seven puppies, each ________ after Snow White's seven dwarves
10. Nobody tells me how to live my life I'm _______
11. Due to Covid-19, some overseas opportunities have to be deferred, or some industries that you are interested in might have fewer opportunities at the moment. The word deferred can be best replaced with
12. An asteroid this size is hardly hypothetical; as of October 2020,
18. Choose the correct spelling.
19. "I know many of you _______ that Covid-19 has closed off some doors," Mr Heng said.
20. The 5Cs of the Singaporean dream once went as follows: cash, car, credit card, condominium and country club membership. But these aspirations no longer resonate with younger Singaporeans today, noted Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat. The antonym of the word resonate is